Mostly Everything

Why bloggers are like golfers

In our office we get a mix of personalities visiting the editorial area .. from chefs and food stylists for our food magazine, to gadget geeks to musicians for Burn and golfers for Golf Digest Philippines.

It’s the golfers that are the most animated as they can all relate about how challenging hole number 6 was or how there’s this new technique for getting gigil with the club and ball, to the politics … the list goes on. Unlike gadget talk, golf talk can go on non-stop. When you’re finished talking about the equipment, you start talking about the clubhouses. Then you start talking about the caddies. Then you start talking about the tournaments. Then you start talking about the swing (the longest topic ever). It never ends! And worst of all, no one else in the room can relate.

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And then it made me realize how a lot of professional bloggers suffer the same fate: like how we talk about blog politics as if we knew the people involved personally (the same manner how we all talk about how Jennifer Anniston shouldn’t have left Brad Pitt because he was such a nice guy — like we really knew him), how we talk about SEO techniques and page views vs unique visits, about ad placements .. and yes — the people, the bloggers themselves are pretty colorful.

I mean, I haven’t been to a single blog meet where the name Mike Abundo doesn’t get brought up (see Mike, you’re famous!).

So there. Blogging is like golf because we take two simple concepts to the NEXT LEVEL – hitting a ball into a hole in the woods and writing a journal entry. It’s pretty absurd, but don’t we find the greatest joy in the most useless of things?

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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