Mostly Everything

iBlog 2 in a nutshell

Overall an enjoyable experience – not really because of the talks but because I got to meet the flesh behind the blogs. Now I won’t give a detailed account of the entire day’s series of seminars – because Vonjobi, the Filipino Librarian already did! He was actually sitting beside me during the Problogging panel talk. Check his entries out here:

Liveblogging in the AM
Liveblogging in the PM
Goodbye iBlog 2!

I met the same people and a bunch of new ones – there was Abe, Dr. Meinardus (who is now on a spankin’ new WordPress blog) and Charo. I was finally able to meet Angelo, a fellow problogger (although he does this full time), Mike Abundo, and Markku – I’m trying to get some of that PR 6 lovin!

Perhaps the most interesting panel was the problogging session that was pushed to the very end of the program. I’ve been blogging professionally for the past nine months and the panel presentation confirmed, reaffirmed and reinforced my convictions about blogging as a medium to make money.

If you missed it, Abe made his Powerpoint presentation available for download.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

11 replies on “iBlog 2 in a nutshell”

Jayvee, it was nice meeting you. I’m sure you’ll be getting to PR6 soon enough, considering your other blogging properties. 😉

See you again in the next iBlog, try mo na rin sumama sa mga inuman namin nila Abe pag nagkayayaan. 🙂

hi richelle!

omg! back in the days, marc my hs barkada set me up with mel.

and asia (who i think recently eloped), dre’s sis set me up with pat 🙂

none. richelle is the batchmate of two people i took to the prom back in high school. i was set up by my friend’s sister with pat and to my other friend’s sister, melanie. 🙂

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