Why I’d get a Nintendo Go!

Formerly known as the Revolution, the Nintendo GO! looks like my next huge console purchase (after the huge price drop of course a few months after retail). This is coming from the guy who has never owned a console since his teens.

Here’s why. After the days of 8-bit console gaming, I went straight to the PC gaming scene, attracted by the Lucasarts and Sierra series of Zak McKracken, Quest for Glory, Police Quest, Leisure Suite Larry (!), Maniac Mansion and Monkey Island. These games were more interactive – more point and click. I remember being able to type stuff in the command line like “commit suicide” and the computer will respond with “you’re too dumb to do that.” That was really kick-ass back then.

This may be just me, but I found this more attractive than the consoles. On the console, you couldn’t do this – you couldn’t click on a dark tunnel and ask for Indiana Jones (another great game by Lucasarts) to describe what he saw. It didn’t feel as “freeing.” Of course, there were times when I’d borrow my friend’s N64 and finish Zelda: The Ocarina of Time because Zelda as well as the early days of Final Fantasy were always the exception to the rule

N.B. Times are different now and with the way gaming has become more competitive, people have upped the level of interactivity (or is it interactiveness?) to make gaming more immersive.. But the Nintendo Go has remained one step ahead by turning the controller into more than just a joystick.

Watch this marketing video. You might get what I mean.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

3 replies on “Why I’d get a Nintendo Go!”

errr did nintendo rename the revolution into the fake console created by that spaniard guy? hmm icant seem to find any info on the net re that

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