Mostly Everything

The Magic Three

I’m predicting a record high for my blog this month. In terms of stats, I’ve had the following unique user pageviews:

January – 1541 users
February – 1189 users
March – 508 users (as of March 7 2006)

Wow, whatta way to go. So who’s driving traffic? Thanks to AW stats installed on my blog, I’ve got a fairly detailed account of who’s driving traffic to me. Well here they are, A Bugged Life’s Top Three Hits Sources:

Third place is goes to my high school and college friend Denise Albert. Though she doesn’t update as often as before, people still flock to her site. There, I found a picture where she looks like Jim Carey. Heehee.

Second place goes to the amazing Pam Pastor of 2Bu! and Super! She’s usually up till 3AM finishing her sections. I can relate. Pam blogs about .. well everything! She keeps a step by step account of what she did during the day. And here’s her most overused picture too. She owes me coffee.

First place goes to singer / model / artist Ala Paredes! Funny thing was, it took just one post for Ala to drive two quintillion jillion readers to my site. All she did was say we shot her for m|PH. Ala, you should reallly start charging people for links.

Note that there are several more people who’ve contributed significantly to traffic for the past three months. Let me name some: Jason de Villa, (the other) Cat Juan, Dickoy Magdaraog, Joey Alarilla (!!), Abe Olandres (Yuga), Fozzy, Dario.

Plus many more! All of you have contributed to bugging my life! Congratulations!

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

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