Mostly Everything

Blog Tip: A good title

A lot of my friends have been asking how they can increase the number of hits on their blogs. Most friends are “casual bloggers” where topics range from thoughts, rants about work, what they did that day – that’s all well and good if your blog is privy to close friends and followers.

However, if your objective is to publicize your blog, meaning taking that next step in generating more hits, one way to do it is with your post title.

For some reason, Google does some SEO (search engine optimization) with the titles of your blog posts, giving it some hierarchy over your actual content.

I did an experiment back then where this personal blog was still on the works and I wanted to jumpstart a following. A lot of my readers are personal friends, around 30 on the average per day.

I decided to create this post about a camera I was reviewing and a few days later, c/o Google Analytics, I was getting hits via search engine keywords that were looking for “Olympus SP500 UZ.”

Long story short, put yourself in the position of the Google-er to determine what’s being searched. Then use that keyword as a title. Flambouyant titles are a personal choice, but definitely not something for SEO.

The con of this is that spammers tend to spam your comment box with overly popular searches. Up until now, I’ve been deleting comments on my post titled ‘WordPress 2.0’ because it’s been a spam haven for the past months. Proves my point!

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

5 replies on “Blog Tip: A good title”

“The con of this is that spammers tend to spam your comment box with overly popular searches. Up until now, I’ve been deleting comments on my post titled ‘Wordpress 2.0′ because it’s been a spam haven for the past months. Proves my point!”
– yeah, it sucks, happened to me also… “wordpress endpoint” on an entry and… comments kept on coming…

i wonder when the day will come where you use my name as a title and all you get is spam.. 😀

Haven’t you enabled Akismet? Blocks off 99.99% of automated comment/trackback spam. The manual ones get thru though so I required registration before commenting.

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