Wellness is happiness

My friend Raphy wanted me to plug this for like, forever. In return I earn billions in royalties. You see, Raphy is a bit weird, that’s why he sells wellness products!

But seriously, if you are experiencing aches and body pains (love life not included), you may want to give him a call.

Lately things are quite hectic. Hectic work schedules, hectic activities, and so on. And these hectic things have led to pains, or sicknessses. And let’s face it, it’s quite hard to go about our work when we’re not in the best working condition. Furthermore, it’s quite hard to skip work just to rest our bodies for fear of backlog in pendings.

And so, health is now accompanied with another word: Wellness. Don’t let those nagging colds, flu, or body pains stop your from being productive. Now you can repel them and eventually make your body better.

Sounds good? How does it work? Well, I’m inviting you to a product demo this weekend. I’d like to share the wellness experience with you, and that the products that you might see may be able to make you happier, more productive and (so to speak), well. 🙂

If you have any more questions about this, just feel free to email me back through this address or at [email protected] or [email protected]. Also feel free to text me about this at (0917)8177274 (Please introduce yourself over text, my phonebook isn’t fully updated.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

2 replies on “Wellness is happiness”

Jayvs, I’m treating you if someone goes for it. 🙂

Anyways, the general detail..

But I assure you, with what I’ve to say here, I hope I don’t disappoint. But I digress.

Lately things are quite hectic. Hectic work schedules, hectic activities, and so on. And these hectic things have led to pains, or sicknessses. And let’s face it, it’s quite hard to go about our work when we’re not in the best working condition. Furthermore, it’s quite hard to skip work just to rest our bodies for fear of backlog in pendings.

And so, health is now accompanied with another word: Wellness. Don’t let those nagging colds, flu, or body pains stop your from being productive. Now you can repel them and eventually make your body better.

Sounds good? How does it work? Well, I’m inviting you to a product demo this weekend. I’d like to share the wellness experience with you, and that the products that you might see may be able to make you happier, more productive and (so to speak), well. 🙂

If you have any more questions about this, just feel free to email me back through this address or at [email protected] or [email protected]. Also feel free to text me about this at (0917)8177274 (Please introduce yourself over text, my phonebook isn’t fully updated.


Ten things that bring me joy

When Sacha tagged me today, I couldn’t help but think what stuff actually makes me happy. Well, I decided to list my ten things. They aren’t all really in a particular order, but the last two really mean a lot to me.

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