Excited for MacWorld 2006!

Tonight, just like all true Mac lovers, I am staying up to “watch” Steve Job’s keynote for MacWorld 2006.

1:00 am, our time.

Our official correspondent is author and fellow mugger Butch Dalisay. W00t!

UPDATE: You can view a live coverage here:


UPDATE 2: *Yawn*

I was bored for the better part of Steve Jobs’ keynote. Honestly, nothing completely impressive here.

1. Most of the new stuff has tight integration with .mac users. This is a good thing for current subscribers because I feel that they aren’t getting their money’s worth with the current subscription. IMHO, a .mac account is nothing more than a glorified email address and a Plaxo solution for the Macintosh since Windows is the only one supported.

2. < sarcasm >New widgets! More fixes! Full screen editing! Less bugs! I can now make greeting cards! Whoop dee doo!< /sarcasm >

3. The podcast studio is pretty cool. It sorta helps podcasting newbies edit their own stuff. Of course, you can do thise using an external app, but I guess it’s part of Apple’s core competency to make stuff a lot easier for everyone.

4. Podcasting, videocasting, and now photocasting! Share your photos online … huh? Doesn’t Flickr and Shutterbook and even Yahoo! Photos do this already? PLus, these services are free! Jobs better brush up on his spellcasting.

5. I like the new magnetic tip for the MacBook (the Powerbook is dead, long live the MacBook!). This is perhaps the best innovation they’ve come up this whole keynote. The charger that plugs into the portable is magnetic, making it easier to whip out. So when your dog steps on the power cord, the cord flies away easily, leaving the portable safe on the desk – not getting yanked!

6. And the new MacBook? Cool. Fast. Expensive – $1999.00. Blech. I’m not rich. And more importantly, I don’t need it.

I think one of the reasons why I’m downplaying the new product releases is because I’ve already seen most of these services being offered by 3rd party dudes. The recent months have brought several great web-based / open source stuff such as Protopage, Writely, Meebo, Flickr and Shutterbook. Is Apple merely playing catch-up to the indies?

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

2 replies on “Excited for MacWorld 2006!”

searching for open source stuff on the net is like shopping in a bargain store – you just have to look, and you’ll find a gem eventually 🙂

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