Tiendesitas without pics

Dropped by Tiendesitas near Valle 5 more out of curiosity than the willingness to buy stuff. But I ended up buying the highly recommended In Diet supplement for Hondo. I got it for a discounted P600.00. Thank you Adel for recommending this for the longest time.

Tiendesitas is the perfect Sunday shopping getaway. It’s the complete shebang with guys walking their cute dogs to meet cute girls, families lounging around the food section, kids playing with the pets on display ..

Though the aquarium section was rather ho-hum, I was able to find cute French bulldogs at not so cute prices of P38,000.00 for the male and P55,000.00 for the bitch. No Boston Terriers though! Speaking of which, I found an (almost) exact replica of Hondo being sold for P40,000.00 in one of the night markets near my house. Hondo was cuter, and was waaay cheaper. He also lost a tooth today, poor boy. But he’s still as hyper as ever.

I should have brought my camera. Might seem a bit crazy, but I’ll keep this upscale flea market in mind for a photo shoot location.

By Jayvee Fernandez

Jayvee Fernandez is a tech enthusiast and sitting Techbology Editor for The Philippine STAR.

He is also an EAN certified SCUBA Diver and underwater photographer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His photos and videos have appeared in various international and local publications including Random House Germany, Discovery Channel Canada, and CNN.

One reply on “Tiendesitas without pics”

hi! i was able to reach your site through a search output from google. my hubby and i (actually, it is more of me) have been wanting to go to Tiendesitas for sometime now. the problem is, my hubby doesn’t know (us pala, he he he…) the ins and outs of ortigas (we’re from way up Southern Manila, that’s why.) – which road is one-way and which is two-way thing. hope you could give me some roadtips on how to go there. thanks a lot! Godbless! by the way, i think i’m also kinda’ interested with that medication you’ve mentioned in your blog. i think my doggie needs it too. he’s super taba considering that he’s only nearing his two years of dog age. hay, dami ko na nasabi, thanks!

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