Mostly Everything

Google PR is just a number and this is my miracle explanation why

Putting things in perspective, I believe the issue about the Google PR numbers game is at most, a relative discourse. Yuga says that bloggers should not rely on Google PageRank and Riz exposes the idea that PageRank is a wonky statistic.

Let me give an analogy of how Google PageRank works in the light of print industry. In the beginning, a lot of media buyers would rely on ONE thing when it came to advertising on print. That THING would be the claimed circulation figures that a publishing sales team would present forward. Anybody could claim a readership of 10,000 copies nationwide but in reality the print run receipt would only amount to 1,500 copies. How bad! How evil! But why is this done? There would be such arbitrary things to consider such as pass on readership figures which were all transcribed from an in house formulae which nobody had any idea how it was calculated.


Magazine stand visibility was another thing. So many of the same mag issue adorned the wooden displays at bookstores. Did it mean that the magazine sold well? No. Not really. It could simply mean that the particular issue was overstocked. There was so much market visibility BECAUSE there was very little conversion to sales. And magazine stands wouldn’t care less anyway as they stock on consignment.

What’s my point? There are so many things going on when it comes to determining what really brings influence forward. A magazine may only have 1,000 readers but what if their ads are all targeted towards the market? Advertisers still don’t realize this because the truth is, they don’t want to, and don’t have the time to dwell on such things. That’s the broker’s job.

The Google PageRank issue is proof that the online publishing / advertising industry is still in its infancy. PageRank, Technorati links, actual traffic … these are but figures which are arbitrarily defined by the industry as measures for influence and reach. But there has to be a system somewhere – a system that’s easy to understand and Google has made that system a no brainer for advertisers to grasp, using a scale of 1 to 10. And hey, who can contradict the number 1 company in the world? That’s advertising made simple.

Mostly Everything

The Spin

I’ve always been fascinated at how the good public relations agencies master the art of The Spin. They are able to pitch, convince and communicate ideas and transmute them into a brand campaign, advocacy, or promotion. There is no moral judgement present in such cases as these awareness campaigns are to be taken as “amoral” at the very least. What’s important is the communication of the idea. The Spin.

The Spin can convince you to choose brand X over Y. It can coerce you to donate money for a certain cause. It can reorient your moral value to see something once evil as good.

To illustrate my point, here’s what happens when you recut The Shining and turn it into a family comedy:

It’s all in the spin. Nothing is real 🙂

Mostly Everything

b5media tech podcast – ‘Branches sold seperately’

It’s been a while since we recorded something. In this podcast for the b5media technology channel, Mike Abundo and I talk about evangelizing the farmers as well as many other things for the Emerging Earth.


Not that I’m preempting a regular b5media tech podcast – I don’t want to promise anything. But I do hope I can keep this up and open the invitation to the other b5media tech channel bloggers.

Mostly Everything

Hey PR Agencies! This is how to do a social media PR campaign!


This is a template I took from the news blog of CNET. The post caught my eye because it talked about an actual TEMPLATE to doing social media campaigns. I’m not sure if Mike Abundo (head curmudgeon) or Steve Rubel (PR guru) would agree with this chart — but hear me out for a bit. The image above is basically a means to illustrate the different channels of our innovative Internet space, with a zero in on social interactions online. You can download the PDF template by clicking on this link.

Click HERE to see how Ford made use of this template to come up with their own social media friendly site.

Enter the social media news release (SMNR), originally conceived by SHIFT Communications, a viable new format to spark and cultivate online conversations about a product. Todd Defren, Shel Holtz, Chris Heuer, and other bloggers have been on the soapbox preaching about SMNRs for almost a year now. The list of companies that have used the SMNR includes Coca-Cola, BEA, SAP, Novell, and Belkin, among many other smaller companies.[Read]

The chart doesn’t tell you HOW to do things. It tells you WHAT is available in the Internet community – blogs, social networking, social bookmarking, viral videos, and the like.

Mostly Everything

My guesses on Apple’s UNUSUAL trackpad features!!

Rumor has it that Apple will be unveiling the new line of MacBooks this coming 4Q complete with biometric scanner built into the trackpad. But its not really the thumb signature that intrigues me, but the fine print of the “unusual features” that the new trackpad will contain. Here are some of my guesses:

  • pinching of the trackpad to zoom in and out of the cursor area (the old default command was to scroll with two fingers while holding CTRL)
  • iPod-like circle scrolling for certain applications
  • Flicking the trackpad to scroll quickly through lists
  • reconfiguration of the tapping motion on the track pad to do other things (like zoom a photo to fit to browser)

The new track pad should, by induction, sport some of the innovations of the Apple iPhone touch screen.