Mostly Everything

b5media Downtown


Shai Coggins posted some pictures of the new b5media office downtown. Suite 302, 174 Spadina, Toronto Canada.

Neat! The couches look so menacingly comfortable.

Mostly Everything

NY Times: Blogging (and b5media) as a Source of Jobs and the “Institutionalizing” of Blogs

The New York Times has an article on blogging as a relevant source of jobs, with a special mention of b5media Inc and CEO jeremy Wright. But beyond the job opportunities, there is something more important brewing – ‘Institutionalized Journalism 2.0.’

In his recent article on Mobile Philippines, EIC Adel Gabot points out key differences between bloggers and journalists. He says that bloggers, unlike journalists are not bound by an “institutional check” which could be dangerous in the long run. I fully agree with this statement as I have mentioned that bloggers are … bloggers because they enjoy that certain “freedom” and spontaneity, unlike journalists who are subjected to layers of editors and time before an article sees the light of publishing. It is a function of prudence and what you get when you have a working institution.

However, this is subject to change.

Mostly Everything

We are all teachers

A few posts back I talked about certain events that led to my demise as a geek, thus closing some doors, albeit temporarily, to my fabulous musical career.

I will share a little bit more about my personal life zeroing in on my passion as an educator, as people have wondered why I never took a communications or arts course in college. I graduated college with a course in Development Education, sort of like a mix between development studies and a full-fledged education course. It was a course designed to train you with skills in the craft of teaching, the psychology of learning, andragogy (‘how adults learn’) and a little bit of organizational development.

Mostly Everything

Migs Paraz has questions. I have answers.

Here is a short interview from Migs Paraz. This is a tagged post from him. If you want me to send you my set of five interview questions, just leave a comment expressing your interest.

About the Mac. I’m having Mac Envy. Give me a good reason not to get a Mac. OS X’s Safari doesn’t render post quicktags in the WordPress dashboard. You can install Windows and it will become prone to viruses.

About blogging. It’s your advocacy. What’s the strangest experience that blogging has brought you? A number of companies “monitor” my blog. When I go to press events, I feel a cold shudder running down my spine as I write “Jayvee from A Bugged Life.” It’s all good really. It is a little disconcerting but at the same time flattering to be on the phone with a PR agency and the first thing they say is “hey we were just with [name of client here] and they said they read your blog.” The strangest experience is when people find out my online persona is cooler than my real life 🙁

About your cellphone blog: what’s the favorite cellphone you’ve owned? I never really had a favorite. I guess with all the phones I’ve owned, they each had a special place in my heart with different strengths and weaknesses. I guess I treat them all like my children – I did my best with all of them. Contrary to what people think, although I’m a geek, I only change phones once every two years as SMART gives away a free phone depending on your retention plan. No questions asked.

About new media. Which media mogul (past or present) would you like to trade places with? Chris Anderson, editor in chief of WIRED and author of The Long Tail. I’ve learned to put up a virtual board of directors to help run my life. Borrowing principles and attitudes from different people in my preferred industry helps me keep a smiling face, a positive outlook and one hand in my pocket. Chris is a brilliant editor, having steered WIRED to become something like the NatGeo of tech. And that Long Tail book. Oh don’t get me started on that. I can go on and on.

About people. Who’s the most interesting blog celebrity you’re met or communicated with online? There are so many, but Darren Rowse of Problogger leaves a good impression on me. My relationship with Darren has many levels. First, I was a fan of his blog ever since 2006. Second, he is technically my boss at b5media and I sometimes ping him on Skype to clarify work-related stuff. But among all these times, Darren has what I like calling a “unity of life” where how he is on his blog is exactly the same way he is in chat, in his internal podcasts and in the forums. It’s something I admire because it spells a genuine and sincere character.

Juned asked to be tagged. This is my interview with him. Riz Sanchez also answered my questions to her dismay! My interview questions are very thought provoking.

Here are the rules:
1. Leave me a comment saying “Interview me.”
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

Mostly Everything

b5media now hiring for music channel

We have a new channel editor up for a new line of products. Here I go helping spread the call for emo bloggers who know their music.

b5media is really excited to be launching a new music channel, which will cover a wide range of genres, geographic locations, bands and interests. We’re looking for writers who have a keen interest and engaging knowledge of specific topics and aspects within the music industry.

We will be looking to cover various genres and categories such as: acoustic rock, British invasion and influence, classic albums, hip hop, rap, indie rock, music industry news, online music services, the indie experience (from a band’s perspective), pop, Top-40 and the world of guitar playing. We will also be looking to cover specific bands who are newsworthy and blogworthy such as U2, the Beatles and Justin Timberlake.

You can view the call for applications here.